stackthru (V0.99/R006)


The stackthru and stackthrud program - both released under the GNU General Public License - are sender and receiver in a small and traffic generator for TCP/IP links. The purpose is to measure the network throughput between two systems.


The stackthru and stackthrud sources as well as this document are packed into one tarball.



The stackthru program (client part) needs the following arguments:
Usage ........: stackthru >>--- SERVERADDRESS --- COMMUNICATION --->

                           >--- BLOCKSIZE --- DATASIZE ---><

Parameters ...: SERVERADDRESS = Address where the stackthru-daemon
                                is listening:
                                - For TCP/IP family: <host>:<port>
                COMMUNICATION = The protocol/way which should be used:
                                - TCPv4 = TCP over IP Version 4
                                - UDPv4 = UDP over IP Version 4
                BLOCKSIZE     = Number of bytes per write() to the
                DATASIZE      = Total size in MB of the data to be
                                send to the stackthru-daemon.

Sample .......: stackthru TCPv4 1448 256

                Sends 256 Megabytes of data (in blocks of 1448 Bytes;
                based on a MTU of 1500 Bytes) via TCP to port 2342
                on the host (where the stackthru daemon
                is listening).
Figure 1: Syntaxdiagram for the stackthru executable

The stackthrud program (server part) needs the following arguments:
Usage ........: stackthrud >>--- LISTENTO --- COMMUNICATION --->

                            >--- BLOCKSIZE ---><

Parameters ...: LISTENTO      = Port,... where the stackthru-daemon
                                is listening:
                                - For TCP/IP family: <port>
                COMMUNICATION = The protocol/way which should be used:
                                - TCPv4 = TCP Version 4
                                - UDPv4 = UDP Version 4
                BLOCKSIZE     = Number of bytes per read() from the
                                stackthru client.

Sample .......: stackthrud 2342 TCPv4 1448

                Listens to port 2342 for TCP packages and reads
                in 1448 byte blocks.
Figure 2: Syntaxdiagram for the stackthrud executable


So lets go for a small example on how to do a measurement / benchmark using the stackthru tool. First we have to start the server program.

[xca1019][hal][...te/stackthru/v00r006][0] > stackthrud 2342 tcpv4 1448


Session established ...
Session terminated ...^C

[xca1019][hal][...te/stackthru/v00r006][130] > _
Figure 3: Sample output of the stackthru daemon (the stackthrud executable)

In Figure 3 we see the output of stackthrud which is listening to port 2342 for TCP packages coming over IP version 4. The buffer size is 1448 Bytes. To end the server process, you have to press Ctrl + C.

As a next step we are able start the client program.

[xca1019][hal][...te/stackthru/v00r006][0] > stackthru tcpv4 1402 1


Server.Name .............:
Server.IP ...............:
Server.Port .............: 2342

Transfer.Method .........: TCP over IP Version 4
Transfer.Size.Total .....: 256 MB
Transfer.Size.Block .....: 1448 Bytes
Transfer.Blocks .........: 185383 (185383.602)
Transfer.Size.X-Block ...: 871 Bytes

Result.Time.Real ........: 0.964 sec
Result.Time.Sys .........: 0.400 sec

Result.Throughput .......: 265.560 MB/sec (2^20)
Result.Throughput .......: 2227.680 Mbit/sec (10^6)
Result.Throughput .......: 192307.062 Frames/sec *

* = Only a rough estimate that can be far off - so handle with care!
    The calcuated value assumes that the data got transmitted with
    TCP packets where the payload size equals the given block size.
[xca1019][hal][...te/stackthru/v00r006][0] > _
Figure 4: Sample output of the stackthru testdriver after transmitting 256 MB over the loopback device.

In Figure 4 we see the client process output. You can see the results for sending 256 MB (with 1448 Bytes block size) over the loopback device.

The block size can be very important for the resulting throughput. It defines the buffer size used for the single write() function call. The buffer gets filled with random values (ASCII 32 - 255). As an eyecatcher (for sniffing) the buffer will be led by the string "##### BEGIN #####" and ended with "##### END #####".

You can expect the maximum throughput by using a block size which is equal to the maximum size of a frames data part. For TCP over IP version 4 this is 1448 Bytes (with a MTU of 1500; using Jumbo frames this value is higher). To be on the save side, you can use a quite large value for sending 1 MB and sniffing this to get the maximum size of a single frames data part.


In case you have comments, added functionality or found a bug, please feel free to contact me.