
This is a tool that lists information about the current connections with additional information like the Idle Time.

                 V                                 |
>>--- dbtuwho -------+-------------------------+---+---><
                     |                         |
                     |   +--- --dbalias ---+   |
                     |   |                 |   |
                     +---+--- --nname -----+---+
                     |   |                 |   |
                     |   +--- --nodenum ---+   |
                     |                         |
                     +---+--- --human ---+-----+
                         |               |
                         +--- --all -----+

Syntax diagram

Calling dbtuwho without any parameters, lists the applications currently connected to the instance (in an EEE environment it lists the applications connected to the current node; on the system catalog node all applications connected to any node are listed).

[db2ngx][ls0033][/db2/db2ng1][0] > dbtuwho

DBTUWHO V00.99/R010

(A) = Connection type

    DB       Auth     Appl.        Appl.  Application          Idle    Client   Client Application Id /                Server
(A) Name     Id       Name         Handle Status               Time    Login    PID    Network Informations            PID(s)
--- -------- -------- ------------ ------ -------------------- ------- -------- ------ ------------------------------- ------>
DB  NGX      DB2NGX   db2bp            46 UOW_waiting            5 min db2ngx    17962 *LOCAL.db2ngx.020727101828      3271
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131124 UOW_waiting             18 h ng2adm    19311 AC171505.5B89.020725065559
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131125 UOW_waiting             18 h ng2adm    19312 AC171505.5C89.020725065600      17969
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131126 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19313 AC171505.6389.020725065601
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131127 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19314 AC171505.6489.020725065602
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131128 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19315 AC171505.6589.020725065603
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131129 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19317 AC171505.6889.020725065604
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131130 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19316 AC171505.6989.020725065605
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131132 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19319 AC171505.6B89.020725065607
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131131 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19318 AC171505.6A89.020725065606
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131133 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19320 AC171505.6C89.020725065608
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131134 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19322 AC171505.6D89.020725065609
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131135 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19323 AC171505.6E89.020725065610
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131136 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19325 AC171505.6F89.020725065611
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131137 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19324 AC171505.7089.020725065612
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131138 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19326 AC171505.7A89.020725065613
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131139 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19327 AC171505.7C89.020725065614
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131140 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19328 AC171505.8089.020725065615
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131142 Connect_completed       19 h ng2adm    19331 AC171505.8389.020725065617      17967
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131141 UOW_waiting             19 h ng2adm    19329 AC171505.8289.020725065616
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131143 Connect_completed       19 h ng2adm    19330 AC171505.8589.020725065618      17968
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131144 Connect_completed       19 h ng2adm    19332 AC171505.8689.020725065619      17989
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131145 Connect_completed       19 h ng2adm    19333 AC171505.8B89.020725065620      17999
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131146 UOW_waiting             18 h ng2adm    19334 AC171505.8C89.020725065521      17987,18514   
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131147 Connect_completed       19 h ng2adm    19335 AC171505.9489.020725065522      18246
DB  NGX      SAPNG2   dw.sapNG2_DV 131148 Connect_completed       19 h ng2adm    19336 AC171505.9589.020725065523      17986

[db2ngx][ls0033][/db2/db2ng1][0] > _

Sample output

After collecting and parsing all data, every connection is listed (one connection for each line). For every connection you will find the following information: