This is a test driver, which can be used to generate different kinds of (unusual) traffic within a DB2 database.
>>--- dbtutraffic --- --database ALIAS --------------> >---+-----------------------+--- --testcase NAME --->< | | +--- --schema SCHEMA ---+ |
Syntax diagram
Before you can do the first run of dbtutraffic, you need to create the database objects. The DbtuTools package contains a script (please check the defaults section within the dbtutraffic.ddl file first):
db2 connect to <ALIAS> db2 -tf dbtutraffic.ddl |
Sample commands
The alias of the database (ALIAS) - to connect to - is a must. The table schema (SCHEMA) is optional. If not applied, the tool will do unqualified table accesses. The testcase (NAME) parameter specifies the test case, which should be run:
Once the tool is started, it runs in a loop till an unexpected error occurs, or the user ends it by pressing Ctrl+C.