This is a small tool that converts a given hexadecimal code found in the db2diag.log file into the corresponding SQL Message or DB2 Internal Return Code.
>>--- dbtuff2code --- STRING1 --- STRING2 --->< |
Syntax diagram
Looking through the db2diag.log file of a DB2 instance you will find hexadecimal codes in a form of two 4 hexdigit strings. The DB2 Documentation - Troubleshooting Guide is telling us how to interpret such values; this tool is implementing that.
[xca1019][hal][...te/DbtuTools/v00r010][0] > dbtuff2code ffff e60a The hexdigit string combination stands for a.) SQL Message 'SQL6646N' (see Message Reference) b.) DB2 Internal Return Code 'E60A' (see Troubleshooting Guide) [xca1019][hal][...te/DbtuTools/v00r010][0] > dbtuff2code 0ae6 ffff The hexdigit string combination stands for a.) SQL Message 'SQL6646N' (see Message Reference) b.) DB2 Internal Return Code 'E60A' (see Troubleshooting Guide) [xca1019][hal][...te/DbtuTools/v00r010][0] > dbtuff2code ffff ffff This special hexdigit string combination stands for an undefined error. [xca1019][hal][...te/DbtuTools/v00r010][0] > _ |
Sample output