The project is currently put on hold. If you do have a series interest in relaunching and actively working on the project, then please let me know. Take care Daniel Scheibli ( |
The mission of the DbtuTools project is to become a framework for working with the UNIX / Wintel versions of IBM's DB2 UDB database family. Starting with a modest tool collection ("little helpers for daily work"), the long-term goal is to extend the project in a way, that it becomes an integrated solution.
The tools are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
The libraries are distributed under the terms of the
GNU Lesser General Public License.
1. General documents:
2. Links:
DbtuTools Project homepage:
DbtuTools Project at
DbtuTools Project at
3. Download
The current development platform is GNU/Linux on x86 architecture with DB2 UDB - Personal Developer Edition - Version 7.2 FixPak 5 on top. On AIX, HP-UX and Solaris the code runs as well, but we still need test environments for recurrent tests on that platform.
As the mission statements says, the Wintel platform is in the focus as well. Today Windows is the only supported operating system within this family, but if there is a need for an OS/2 version, we will provide one. Please keep in mind, that there are differences between the implementation of DB2 UDB on Windows vs. Unix. In a few cases this may lead to more Unix style solutions.