| | | | | | EN: View from the city wall to the Mole des Noires (protecting the Avant-Port from the sea); Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | | EN: View from the city wall to Piscine (the swimming basin), Fort du Petit Be and Grand Be; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | | EN: View from the city wall to Piscine (the swimming basin), Fort du Petit Be and Grand Be; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | EN: View from the city wall to Piscine (the swimming basin); Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | | EN: View along the city wall (parallel to Porte des Bes) with Tour Bidouane at the end; Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | | EN: View from the city wall to Fort du Petit Be and Grand Be; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | EN: View from the city wall to Fort du Petit Be and Grand Be; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | | EN: View from the city wall to Fort du Petit Be with a leaving ferry; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | | EN: View from the city wall to Fort du Petit Be and Grand Be; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | EN: View from Tour Bidouane to Place de Quebec and Statue de Surcouf; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | | EN: The Porte Saint Thomas gate; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | | EN: View from Porte Saint Thomas to the Fort National; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | EN: View to the Fort National; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | | EN: Fort National; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |
| | | | | | | EN: View from Fort National to the Grande Plage beach; Saint Malo, Brittany, France | |